Applications of E-Beam:

Ø Fresh fruits and vegetables
Ø Spices & herbs
Ø Sterilization of medical products
Ø Cross linking wire & cable insulation
Ø Water purification
Ø Treatment of waste water or sludge
Ø Degradation of polymeric material
Ø Gem stone color enhancement
Ø Mail treatment in order to prevent harmful biological contamination
Ø Production of high energy X-Rays for deeper penetration in the product
Ø Grafting
Ø Disinfestation





Contact Us

PAK Electron Beam Irradiation (Pvt.) Ltd.

Address: E-65 North Western Industrial Zone, Port Qasim, Karachi-75020 Pakistan
Tel: +9221 34154330 -1 -2
Cell: +(92) 300-4558257
WhatsApp:     +(92) 300-4558257 